如何使用Synology NAS下载文件(并避免在夜间开启计算机)
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If you have a Synology NAS, you can easily configure it to download large files for you, allowing you to shut down your PC and let the NAS hum away in the background. Let’s look at how to start and schedule those downloads now.

如果您有Synology NAS,则可以轻松配置它以下载大型文件,从而可以关闭PC并让NAS在后台嗡嗡作响。 让我们看看如何立即开始和安排这些下载。

Why use your NAS to download files? It frees your computer up so you can shut it down when you’re not using it, instead of leaving it on to wait out the downloads (worrying that an automatic update or the like will screw them up). Further, In most situations, your NAS will be on all the time anyway (as most people don’t power down their NAS appliances) and even the beefiest of consumer model Synology NAS units use significantly less power than a desktop computer. Rather than leave your PC running to complete a simple download (or dozens of downloads for that matter) you can, instead, offload the task to your NAS and retrieve the files later. Even better, you can set a schedule so that large files download in the middle of the night—perfect for keeping your connection free and speedy during your waking hours.

为什么要使用NAS下载文件? 它可以释放计算机的空间,因此您可以在不使用计算机时将其关闭,而不必等待等待下载(担心自动更新之类会破坏它们)。 此外,在大多数情况下,无论如何,您的NAS始终会处于打开状态(因为大多数人不会关闭NAS设备的电源),即使是最强大的消费型Synology NAS单元,其耗电量也大大低于台式机。 您可以将任务分担到NAS上,然后再取回文件,而无需让PC运行以完成简单的下载(或与此有关的数十个下载)。 甚至更好的是,您可以设置时间表,以便在深夜下载大型文件-完美地使您在清醒时保持连接的自由和快速。

The secret sauce in our download scheduling routine is the free and official download management application from Synology, Download Station. The application is included on your NAS by default, but if you’ve removed it at some point, you can jump into the package center (the same place where you ) and search for the app. Download Station supports a wide variety of protocols including widely used protocols such as HTTP, FTP, BitTorrent as well as lesser used file sharing and download protocols like NZBs, Thunder, FlashGet, QQDL, and eMule, and it supports RSS (in case the files you wish to download are announced via RSS feeds).

下载调度例程中的秘密之处在于Synology,Download Station的免费和官方下载管理应用程序。 该应用程序默认包含在您的NAS中,但是如果您已将其删除,则可以跳至软件包中心(在的同一位置)并搜索该应用程序。 Download Station支持各种协议,包括HTTP,FTP,BitTorrent等广泛使用的协议以及NZB,Thunder,FlashGet,QQDL和eMule等较少使用的文件共享和下载协议,并且它支持RSS(如果文件是您希望下载的内容已通过RSS feed宣布)。

配置下载站 (Configuring Download Station)

To launch Download Station you can either select the application in your Synology NAS’s web-based dashboard by clicking on the menu icon and selecting “Download Station”, seen below, or you can navigate to http://[your NAS IP address]/download/  to access it directly.

要启动Download Station,您可以在Synology NAS基于Web的仪表板上选择应用程序,方法是单击菜单图标并选择“ Download Station”(如下所示),也可以导航至http://[your NAS IP address]/download/直接访问。

Upon first launch, you’ll be prompted to specify a download folder. Click “OK” to jump directly to the destination selection menu.

首次启动时,系统会提示您指定下载文件夹。 单击“确定”直接跳至目的地选择菜单。

In the “Destination” box, you can either select an existing folder or create a brand new folder. Because none of our existing folders were a good match for our needs, we opted to click on “Create folder” and create a new folder called “downloads”. This folder will appear as a sub-directory of your /home/ folder, as seen below. Select it and then click the “Select” button to continue.

在“目标”框中,您可以选择一个现有文件夹或创建一个全新的文件夹。 由于我们现有的文件夹都不符合我们的需求,因此我们选择单击“创建文件夹”,然后创建一个名为“下载”的新文件夹。 该文件夹将显示为/ home /文件夹的子目录,如下所示。 选择它,然后单击“选择”按钮继续。

With our download folder set, we can now add some files to download.


通过Download Station添加和计划文件 (Adding and Scheduling Files via Download Station)

Once you’ve picked a general destination for your downloads, it’s a straightforward affair to populate your download manager with files to download. With Download Station open, simply click on either the “+” symbol or the globe symbol on the far left edge of the navigation bar, seen below. The “+” symbol is for adding downloads to the manager via file (e.g. you have a .torrent file on hand) where as the globe button is for URL-formatted destinations (e.g. you have the http:// or ftp:// address of the file). Let’s add a Linux distro ISO, that old file manager test standby, to our queue now by clicking on the globe icon.

一旦选择了下载的一般目标,就很容易为下载管理器填充要下载的文件。 打开Download Station时,只需单击导航栏最左边缘的“ +”符号或地球符号,如下所示。 “ +”号用于通过文件(例如,您手头上有一个.torrent文件)将下载内容添加到管理器,其中地球按钮用于URL格式的目的地(例如,您具有http://或ftp://)文件的地址)。 现在,通过单击地球图标将Linux发行版ISO(该旧文件管理器测试备用文件)添加到我们的队列中。

Within the download “Task” menu, you have a few options to attend to. First, you can leave the download directory as the default (in our case /home/downloads/ ) or you can click “Select” and either change the directory or create a new subdirectory if you wish to keep things particularly tidy (such as creating a subdirectory just for Linux ISO files). Next, you need to paste the URL of the file into the “Enter URL” box. If the link is an FTP address and that FTP server requires you authenticate in some fashion, check “Authentication required” so you’ll get an additional prompt where you can input your login. Otherwise, simply click “OK” to continue.

在下载的“任务”菜单中,您可以选择几个选项。 首先,您可以将下载目录保留为默认目录(在我们的示例中为/home/downloads/ ),也可以单击“选择”,然后更改目录或创建新的子目录(如果希望保持整洁(例如创建)仅用于Linux ISO文件的子目录)。 接下来,您需要将文件的URL粘贴到“输入URL”框中。 如果链接是FTP地址,并且该FTP服务器要求您以某种方式进行身份验证,请选中“需要身份验证”,这样您将获得一个附加提示,您可以在其中输入登录信息。 否则,只需单击“确定”继续。

After clicking OK the download will start automatically.


Simply repeat the process with as many files as you wish, and your Synology NAS will chug along, downloading all of them.

只需对任意数量的文件重复该过程,您的Synology NAS就会快速下载所有文件。

设定下载时间表 (Setting a Download Schedule)

There are two scheduling layers available to you via the Download Station settings. You can schedule periods of zero downloading activity and you can set time-based restrictions on BitTorrent traffic. To modifidy both schedules, you simply click on the Settings icon in the Disk Station interface, located in the lower left corner.

您可以通过Download Station设置使用两个调度层。 您可以安排零下载活动的时间段,并且可以对BitTorrent流量设置基于时间的限制。 要修改两个时间表,只需在Disk Station界面的左下角单击“设置”图标。

In the settings menu, under the section BT/HTTP/FTP/NZB, select the subsection “General”. In that subsection, toggle “Advanced schedule” on and then click “Schedule Plan”.

在设置菜单的BT / HTTP / FTP / NZB部分下 ,选择“常规”子部分。 在该小节中,打开“高级计划”,然后单击“计划计划”。

First, select the type of scheduling you want to do at the top, then click each scheduling square (or click and drag, like you’re painting them in) to select lots of blocks at once. If you use the BT Alternate Speed setting you’ll need to manually specify what speed your upload/download rate is for BitTorrent transfers, otherwise you can stick to using Blue, or the “Default Speed” for On and “No transfers” for Off.

首先,在顶部选择要执行的调度类型,然后单击每个调度方块(或单击并拖动,就像在绘制它们一样)以一次选择很多块。 如果您使用BT Alternate Speed设置,则需要手动指定BitTorrent传输的上传/下载速率是多少,否则,您可以坚持使用Blue,或者将“默认速度”设置为“开”,将“无传输”设置为“关” 。

If you want to configure it so there are no transfers during the day (but are transfers between midnight and 6AM), for example, you would select “No Transfers” at the top, then toggle the schedule like so such that downloads could only occur from :


Once you have your schedule set, click “OK”. Now your existing and future downloads will, when added outside of the active hours, display a download icon with a clock, as seen below.

设置好时间表后,单击“确定”。 现在,当您在活动时间之外添加现有和将来的下载内容时,将显示带有时钟的下载图标,如下所示。

As an aside, there is no file-by-file override function for the scheduling (you can’t right click on a paused file and force it to start outside of the active hours) so if you need to rush a file then you will have to hop back into the menu and turn the scheduling off for the duration of that file download.


That’s all there is to it. Thanks to the simple interface of Download Station, you can offload your downloading activity to your Synology NAS so you can turn off your computer, game on it, update it, or otherwise not worry about leaving it on to churn through a download queue.

这里的所有都是它的。 多亏了Download Station的简单界面,您可以将下载活动卸载到Synology NAS上,从而可以关闭计算机,在上面玩游戏,更新它,或者不用担心将其留在整个下载队列中。



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